AstroBeer is an imaginative game created for a real Game Jam organized by Sabana University and TeravisionGames studios, where we obtained the second overall position among all participants. The game jam lasted for three days, with two days dedicated to development and the final day reserved for awards and recognition. The theme of the game jam revolved around outer space, inspiring the creation of a unique game where the main character is a water beer entrusted with the responsibility of fostering life throughout the galaxy.

In AstroBeer, your objective is to discover and visit all the planets within the galaxy, bringing life to each one. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the last planet in the galaxy thrives with life. You'll navigate through space as the water beer, using intuitive controls to rotate the player along the axis. By pressing the space key, you activate propulsion to maneuver through space. When landing on a planet, you can use the "e" key to plant life, fostering its growth and contributing to the overall mission of cultivating life across the galaxy.

AstroBeer showcases the team's creativity and dedication during the game jam, earning them the second overall position among all participants. Embark on this exciting galactic journey as the AstroBeer, fulfill your cosmic responsibilities, and witness the wonders of life blossoming throughout the universe.

Tools Used

AstroBeer was created using Unity as the game engine, providing a powerful framework for game development. The graphics and assets were designed using Photoshop, ensuring visually appealing elements and a cohesive aesthetic. It's worth mentioning that all the instruments, assets, soun effects and components of the game were developed from scratch by our dedicated team, showcasing their talent and creativity.


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